Pipes Reloaded

by Wildan (ilmilkia)


An abandoned pipe course.


Modification: Platinum
Game type: Singleplayer
Gem count: 8
Has Easter Egg: Yes
Qualifying time: 01:15.000
Platinum time: 00:30.000
Ultimate time: 00:18.000


I'm back for once more to upload my last level before i go to a Boarding school at 14th July. I will returned at September... or maybe October.. i'm not sure. Anyways, this level is the sequel to my level "Pipe Roentgenium". And this is the last time i'm using this satara night skybox (byebye!) man... i love this skybox so much..... EDIT: i don't think this level's name fits with the level... EDIT #2: noooo!!! i forgot to add oob triggers!!!!! 😭

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Appears in

Ilmilkia_TV Marble Blast Levels


9 levels

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